1. 환영 인사
- 회의 시작에 앞선 환영인사...
◆ Welcome to all of the members.
◆ I welcome you all gathered here today.
◆ As Chair, it is my great pleasure to welcome to you.
< 개회선언 및 주제소개 >
- 모임 리더의 개회선언문....
◆ I would like to open this meeting.
◆ I would like to call the meeting to order.
◆ We are assembled here to discuss the future of our company.
◆ The aim of this meeting is to discuss what is going to happen to our economy.
◆ The title of this symposium is "Uncertainty in the 21st century"
2. 회의진행에 관한 일반사항 안내
- 회의시 지켜야 할 일반적인 룰, 발표시간, 진행순서...
◆ We have some basic rules.
◆ The speakers have been asked to limit their remarks to 15 minutes.
◆ The speakers are going to speak for 20 minutes.
◆ At the end of each presentation, there will be a 5-minute discussion period.
◆ We ask that your questions be brief and to the point and that you introduce yourself by name.
◆ Could you introduce yourself in turn? (차례대로 자기소개를.....)
◆ After his speech, we will have a twenty-minute break.
◆ We will have another session after lunch.
3. 발표자 소개시 표현
- 발표자소개와 발표할 내용의 간략한 소개 혹은 불참사유 등....
◆ Our first speaker is Dr. Kim. He will be talking to us about our role in the society.
◆ The first Special Lecture is being presented by Dr. Lee, Professor of Economics at Munhwa Univ.
◆ I'd like to call on Dr. Lee to deliver his lecture. (이박사의 강연을 청해 듣겠습니다.)
◆ I'd like to invite Dr. Kim to express his opinions.
◆ We are very happy to have Dr. Park as our guest speaker this morning.
◆ The first speaker regrets that he could not be here.
◆ I want to express on behalf of Dr. Lee, his regret at not being able to be present.
He has a very serious illness in his family.
< 진행자를 중심으로 발표자 소개시 >
- 진행자(사회자)가 발표자를 순서대로 소개...
◆ On my immediate left(right), Dr Lee, professor at Munhwa Univ. : 제 바로 옆에는.....
◆ And to his right, ......., : 그리고 그 옆에는......
◆ To my far right, ........ : 제일 오른쪽 끝에는....
< 발표자 약력소개시 >
- 발표자의 학력, 전공 등의 소개..
◆ Professor Lee holds the B.S and MBA degrees from Munhwa Univ. and Ph. D. from Harvard Univ.
◆ His major field of interest and his professional career have been in politics.
4. 발표자의 인사말
- 발표자의 격식을 갖춘 소개인사...
◆ Thank you very much Mr. Chairman for your kind introduction.
◆ I am honored to be here, today.
◆ First, I'd like to say that I am honored by your invitation to talk at this Annual Meeting. ◆ It is a great privilege and honor for me to be called upon to give this address.
◆ I appreciate the opportunity to be here today.
◆ I wish to express my deep appreciation for the honor of being allowed to present my work to you all.
◆ I will read a paper by Dr. John, who regrets that he could not be here.
5. 일반적인 질문
- 발표내용에 대한 질문을 하고 싶을때.. (질문 있습니다, 상세설명 부탁 등)
◆ I would like to ask Mr. Kim a question.
◆ I have a question about your remarks on WTO.
◆ I have a question for Dr. Kim.
◆ I'd like to raise a question about what the last speakers addressed.
◆ My question concerns the future economy in Korea.
◆ Could you comment on this ?
◆ What is your opinion on this matter ?
◆ Do you support the proposal, or oppose it?
◆ Would you give us your opinion about our proposal ?
◆ Would you tell us your experience at UN ?
◆ What are your thoughts on this problem ?
◆ Would you explain about that more in detail ? (자세한 설명 요구시)
◆ Would you go into this a little more ? ( " )
◆ Would you give a little more detail about that ? ( " )
◆ Would you be more specific about that ? ( " )
◆ Do you have any evidence for this concept ?
◆ Do you have any data on birth rate ?
6. 간접적인 질문시 표현
- 우회적인 질문 할때(~인것 같은데요, ~인지 잘 모르겠습니다.)
◆ I wonder you would comment on this point.
◆ I wonder if there is any more information about that.
◆ I wonder if you could elaborate on that. ( 좀더 상세히 설명....)
◆ I'd like to ask whether or not this has any effect on the current situation.
◆ I'd like to know(hear) a little more about that.
◆ I'd like to ask Dr. Lee to clarify this point.
◆ I'd be glad to have your views on the Gulf War.
◆ I'd be grateful to have your opinion on this point.
◆ I would be interested in hearing other views from Mr. Lee.
◆ I don't know whether you have any opinions on this matter.
7. 구체적인 질문
- 발표내용 중 궁금한 사항을 구체적으로 물을 때
◆ Do you see any relations between smoking and lung cancer ?
◆ How does unemployment correlate with crime ? (어떤 상호관련이.....)
◆ What is the advantage of using this machine ?
◆ What would you say are its advantages and disadvantages ?
◆ How does it differ from that ?
◆ Is there any evidence that smoking will cause cancer ?
◆ Is there any statistical data concerning that matter ?
◆ Have you had the opportunity(time) to look into that matter ? (검토할 기회가...)
◆ How, in your opinion, can such things be stopped ?
◆ What is your position on the use of physical punishment on children? (당신의 입장은 무엇.....?)
◆ What do you think is the best way to stop it ?
◆ How long do you think it will be before they reach their goal ?
◆ Are you saying that the situation is still unclear ?
◆ Do you have any speculation about the current labor problems ? (의견, 추론)
◆ Am I correct in thinking that you also support the proposal ?
◆ Is that what you're suggesting ?
8. 자기주장을 말할 때
- 발표내용에 이견이 있거나, 반대 의견을 이야기 할때
◆ My comment concerns the newly proposed plan.
◆ My views is that his theory has no evidence.
◆ I have an impression that his proposal has no difference.
◆ It is my understanding that they have no interest in this matter. (제가 이해하기로는...)
◆ I regard the situation as serious. (저는 상황이 매우 심각하다고 봅니다)
◆ I'd like to place emphasis on the fact that no one is care about it.
◆ I believe very strongly that the current business recession would be over soon.
◆ It is perhaps a little premature for us to talk about it.
◆ I have a feeling that you are wrong.
◆ I disagree with Mr. Jung on that point.
◆ I'd like to support Mr. Kim's remarks.
◆ I'd like to make a comment in support of Mr. Kim's proposal.
◆ I strongly oppose that plan.
◆ I would speak in opposition to Mr. Kim's proposal.
◆ I'd like to raise an objection to his idea.
9. 기타 사용되어지는 유용한 표현
◆ I would like to say a few words concerning the current situation in Korea
◆ If I understand you correctly, you said that ~
◆ I may have missed a point which you made.
◆ I didn't quite get the last point of your question.
◆ Let me first reply to the first question briefly.
◆ May I answer your second question first ?
◆ Does that answer your question ? (당신의 질문에 답이 되었습니까?)
◆ I cannot give you an answer that goes in the direction you would like.
◆ I have had very little experience with this matter.
◆ That's all I can say at the present.
◆ I can only provide a partial answer to that question. (부분적인 답변만 가능....)
◆ That would be one possible explanation.
◆ Dr. Lee would be a better person to answer that question since he is an expert in that field.
◆ Perhaps he is in a better position to tell us more about it.
◆ He is richly(poorly) experienced in this field.
◆ I don't know if I fully answered your question.
◆ I would like to make a comment on Mr. Choi's presentation.
◆ I hope this will help resolve the long standing problem.
◆ This is a matter of great urgency.
◆ What is important is that everyone could access to it easily.
◆ Necessary steps must be taken immediately.
◆ No doubt, there are many difficulties lying in the way of a solution to this problem. (물론, 이 문제 해결에는 많은 어려움이.....)
◆ These will demand of us much time and perseverance. (많은 시간과 인내가 필요....)
◆ This is the key issue. (이것이 핵심 쟁점......)
◆ This is precisely the point.
◆ But in practice, things just do not work that way. (그러나 현실은 꼭 그렇지만은 않습니다.)
◆ This is an exceptional case. (이것은 예외적인 사건입니다.)
◆ We can approach this problem from many directions. (이 문제를 우리는 여러 방향에서 접근해 볼 수 있습니다.)
◆ I think you are mistaken about that. (당신의 생각이 틀린 것 같습니다.)
◆ It is impossible to reach a solution without the cooperation of all.
◆ That is a good point. (좋은 지적입니다.)
◆ When all are ready, we shall call for a toast. (준비가 되는대로 건배를 하겠습니다.)
◆ I ask you to drink a toast to Mr. Chair. (의장을 위해 건배합시다.)
◆ I would like to propose the toast. (축배를 올리고 싶습니다.)
10. 유용한 문장 유형
◆ You might say …… (…라고 말할 수도 있습니다. )
◆ It may be that …… (……일지도 모릅니다. )
◆ I think I can say …… (……라고 할 수 있겠습니다.)
◆ I don't think I can say …… (……라고는 할 수 없습니다. )
◆ I may be mistaken[wrong], but I think that …… (제가 틀릴지도 모르지만 …… )
◆ If my memory serves me right …… (제 기억이 틀림없다면 …… )
◆ During your talk you said that ..... (당신의 말중에 .......)
◆ Needless to say......(말할 필요도 없이....)
◆ What I am going to suggest is (My suggestion is)....... (제가 제안하는 것은.......)
◆ It is my understanding (My understanding is )that...... (제가 이해하기로는......)
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