선요약 : Bank of America 뱅크오브아메리카가 미-중간 긴장이 고조되고, 코로나19로 인한 피해로 인해 저평가된 13개 종목을 선정했다. 그냥 뭔지만 알아봐야겠다...
1. Inphi 인피
Ticker : IPHI
Market cap : $ 6.2 billion
Industry : Information technology / Semiconductors
Price target : $ 130
Quote : "Inphi is highly levered to 5G / Data center trends (Telecom / Data center 90% + of sales), benefiting from a differentiated product portfolio in high demand by top US cloud / 5G infrastructure vendors."
Source: BofA Global Research
2. Jabil 자빌
Ticker : JBL
Market cap : $ 4.6 billion
Industry : Information technology / Electronic equipment, instruments and components
Price target : $ 37
Quote : "JBL has ~ 50% of its manufacturing outside China with a significant presence in Taiwan and Malaysia (mostly to support Apple, which is a 22% customer) .It also has a presence in India, Indonesia and can benefit from near- term moves from China to parts of South East Asia. "
Source: BofA Global Research
3. Flex 플렉스
Ticker : FLEX
Market cap : $ 5.1 billion
Industry : Electronic equipment, instruments and components
Price target : $ 13
Quote : "We would highlight JBL and FLEX as Electronics Manufacturing Services companies that have a global manufacturing footprint and significant white space available outside of China to support OEMs who wish to move their manufacturing."
Source: BofA Global Research
4. CDW
Ticker : CDW
Market cap : $ 15.8 billion
Industry : Electronic equipment, instruments and components
Price target : $ 125
Quote : "A beneficiary of WFH, telemedicine and distance learning. CDW, one of the largest US-based technology Value Added Resellers (VAR) and system integrators helps organizations in the US / Canada / the UK assess, implement and adopt such solutions. "
Source: BofA Global Research
5. Synnex 시넥스
Ticker : SNX
Market cap : $ 5.8 billion
Industry : Electronic equipment, instruments and components
Price target : $ 140
Quote : "20% of SNX's revenues and ~ 50% of its operating profit come from its Concentrix Business Process Outsourcing (BPO / Call Center) business.Even in this slower macroeconomic period, call volumes into call centers have remained very high."
Source: BofA Global Research
6. Western Digital 웨스턴디지털
Ticker : WDC
Market cap : $ 13.8 billion
Industry : Technology hardware, storage, and peripherals
Price target : $ 61
Quote : "WDC has a strong position in the digital economy where expectations are for data generation to continue as more businesses move to the cloud. ... WDC, which is a leading vendor of hard disk drives, benefits from increased storage use."
Source: BofA Global Research
7. Avalara 아발라라
Ticker : AVLR
Market cap : $ 7.8 billion
Industry : Software
Price target : $ 120
Quote : "AVLR is likely to continue gaining share of the $ 10 billion sales / indirect tax market ... AVLR accounting partners cite expectations for strong, sustained adoption of AVLR's leading sale tax offering for the next several years."
Source: BofA Global Research
8. Coupa Software 쿠파소프트웨어
Ticker : COUP
Market cap : $ 14 billion
Industry : Software
Price target : $ 235
Quote : "Coupa is well positioned in our view to continue generating 35% + revenue growth while gaining market share in the $ 15 billion spend management apps market, with opportunities to grow in the yet nascent B2B payments market."
Source: BofA Global Research
9. Proofpoint 프루프포인트
Ticker : PFPT
Market cap : $ 6.4 billion
Industry : Software
Price target : $ 140
Quote : "Proofpoint is the leader in the healthy and stable Email Security market. The vendor dominates with larger enterprises where spending will likely remain relatively resilient during COVID-related macro pressures."
Source: BofA Global Research
10. Match Group 매치그룹
Ticker : MTCH
Market cap : $ 6.5 billion
Industry : Interactive media and services
Price target : $ 100
Quote : "We are positive on Match's commentary on trends seen during the COVID-19 outbreak and accompanying lockdowns, suggesting increasing user activity across the board but in particular among women."
Source: BofA Global Research
11. Wix.com 윅스닷컴
Ticker : WIX
Market cap : $ 10.1 billion
Industry : IT services
Price target : $ 250
Quote : "Our top SMID cap pick for 2020, WIX saw a surge in demand exiting 1Q, which continued into April, as small / mid-sized businesses took advantage of its web site design and presence tools to cope with stay-home orders. ... We see Wix's surging demand as a leap forward in penetration. "
Source: BofA Global Research
12.Carvana 카바나
Ticker : CVNA
Market cap : $ 6.4 billion
Industry : Specialty retail
Price target : $ 100
Quote : "We are challenged to find another company in our coverage universe with as large of a market opportunity ahead of it ... We see CVNA as a beneficiary of the likely post-COVID" new normal "as more consumers may shift to a digital car shopping experience. "
Source: BofA Global Research
13. Chewy 츄이
Ticker : CHWY
Market cap : $ 3.5 billion
Industry : Internet and direct marketing retail
Price target : $ 47
2020/05/30 - [미국주식] - 72의 법칙 The Rule of 72 _ 미국주식 X 미국개미
72의 법칙 The Rule of 72 _ 미국주식 X 미국개미
선요약 : 72 나누기 연간수익률 = 2배되는기간(년단위) 72의 법칙이란 복리의 원리를 설명하는 개념입니다. 자산을 두배 늘리는 데 걸리는 시간을 알고 싶다면, 72를 연간 투자수익률로 나눠 나온 �
# 본 글은 주식 매수 매도 추천글이 아닙니다. 본 글에서 거론된 주식의 매수,매도는 투자자 본인의 판단이며 그 결과 또한 투자자 본인의 책임입니다.
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